Vanarama National League - Latest Oldham Athletic News

Mellon's Message For Oldham Fans As Frustration Grows
Oldham Athletic Mellon's Message For Oldham Fans As Frustration Grows By Sam Elliott

Micky Mellon says the only way Oldham Athletic can shoehorn their way into the play-off pack is by sticking together.

Latics Plot Sell-Out Welcome Home For Fantastic Frank!
Oldham Athletic Latics Plot Sell-Out Welcome Home For Fantastic Frank! By Sam Elliott

Oldham Athletic want to welcome fearless owner Frank Rothwell back to dry land by smashing this season’s attendance record - and raising some money in the process.

Water Achievement! Fearless Frank Is Close To £200,000
Oldham Athletic Water Achievement! Fearless Frank Is Close To £200,000 By Sam Elliott

Fantastic Oldham Athletic owner Frank Rothwell has compared his on-going Atlantic Ocean mission to a day out in Blackpool as he nears the closing stages of his inspiring rowing challenge.

Mellon Knows What Oldham Must Do To Join Promotion Race
Oldham Athletic Mellon Knows What Oldham Must Do To Join Promotion Race By Sam Elliott

Micky Mellon feels the only way Oldham Athletic are going to start pressing the promotion places is if they stop conceding first every game.

Mellon The Man For Oldham As Latics Name Their New Boss
Oldham Athletic Mellon The Man For Oldham As Latics Name Their New Boss By Sam Elliott

Oldham Athletic have announced Micky Mellon is the man they hope will lead them back to the EFL.

Unsworth Out As Oldham Say It Is Time For A New Direction
Oldham Athletic Unsworth Out As Oldham Say It Is Time For A New Direction By Sam Elliott

David Unsworth has been sacked by Oldham Athletic after the club’s painful start to the new season.

We're At The Start Of Our Journey, Boss Unsworth Tells Fans
Oldham Athletic We're At The Start Of Our Journey, Boss Unsworth Tells Fans By Sam Elliott

David Unsworth urged frustrated Oldham fans to stay behind him and his players because they are just on the start of their journey.

A Clean Slate, But Tidying Up Still To Do At Oldham Athletic
Oldham Athletic A Clean Slate, But Tidying Up Still To Do At Oldham Athletic By Sam Elliott

Forget the first club to fall from the Premier League to the National League. Back in February, Oldham Athletic feared the tumble was to be continued.

Oldham Add Hobson And Ward To Make It Four New Faces
Oldham Athletic Oldham Add Hobson And Ward To Make It Four New Faces By Tom Scott

Oldham Athletic completed the double signing of Shaun Hobson and Dan Ward yesterday - taking their summer arrivals to four.